Monday, December 22, 2014

This has gone on long enough.

I have ignored this blog, whom I will call Wilfred,  through no fault of its own. I now stand before the judgement of the blog.

You know the kind of judgement:

  • What is the password?
  • Where do I find the darned blog anyway?
  • When was the last posting?

In my defense, though I am not sure that it matters. (An old friend once said "Never explain, never complain.)

I volunteer with three different organizations, teach 3 or 4 classes from September through June, have young grandchildren close by, have 3 blogs, and try to write.

This year, I signed up for NaNoWriMo, and was successful in writing a novel over 50,000 words in the month of November. I have come away from that experience with a new focus.

I will commit to you that:

  1. I will contribute to this blog on a regular basis
  2. I will make it worth your while
  3. I will update you on the steps and progress of my revision of the novel
Many thanks for your understanding, dear blog

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Alice Munro

I picked up a copy of "My Best Stories" which is a collection of stories by Alice Munro, forwarded by Margaret Atwood. I ashamed to say that, as a consistent reader since my early years, I had not been drawn to Alice Munro.

Some of my in-laws came from the same, Western-Ontario country, and it was a revelation to read (and hear) the voices with the dry, strict interpretation of what life is and how it should be lived. The story about the turkey farm and how the process of getting the birds to market was both magnetic and distracting. It will be some time before I can eat turkey again.